The Winner | Lokalsi
Coronavirus is killing small business owners: florists, farmers, butchers etc. They relied on traditional stores, which are closed now. As there is no other option, they have to go online ASAP. We created marketplace on Messenger for small business owners, where they can offer their products and start selling in a matter of minutes. There are 14 million Poles on Messenger who are waiting for our suppliers to deliver their eco, fresh products to the door!
Project description:
Coronavirus is killing small business owners: florists, farmers, butchers, etc. They relied on traditional stores, which are closed now. As there is no other option, they have to go online. However, it’s almost impossible to do so in a matter of days. Especially for a generation that is not digital at all. We created marketplace on Messenger for small business owners, where they can offer their products and start selling in a matter of minutes. There are 14 million Poles on Messenger who are waiting for our suppliers to deliver their eco, fresh products to the door!
We started locally in Warsaw. In the next steps, we plan to expand to other cities in Poland and later abroad. We have a plan – how to get customers, business owners and delivery partners.
Team name: Chatbotize
Project name: Lokalsi
Team members: Maja Schaefer, Tomasz Cichociński, Jakub Daru, Magda Trybu, Mateusz Radomski, Magdalena Pierzchała