The Finalist | PEANUT Learning App
Our idea:
To help teachers and children came out of needs that we observe in our environment. We decided to create a tool that will support teachers and students in online education. We would like to give them a creative space where they can meet together and teachers to have an eye open on their students develop.
Main part of our idea is to give children one place to study on-line and carrying their tasks. We realized that there are three main groups of users: children (we focused on the youngest students of age 8-10 years, who still need a parents’ help) teachers parents or another family member pointed to help the youngest in studying Our aim: to create a desktop tool dedicated to teachers (also non-technical users) and a mobile app which will be intuitive, clear and easy to use for 8-10 years aged children without parents’ help.
We think that our idea can be developed in the future and used in everyday classes to enrich learning process, engage children, learn through play and keep the children in touch with teachers. It might be helpful during group projects for students and to supervise them by teachers. We believe that this app can increase the students engagement and we can make this online education process easier than before. We also would like to encourage non-technical teachers to broaden their horizons and help them to do their work quicker by providing a new desktop tool.
Team name: PEANUT App
Project name: PEANUT Learning App
Team members: Małgorzata Iwańska (Leader), Ola Wolska, Konrad Jaworski, Monika Pazdyk