
The Finalist | AKAI

Project description:

According to our team, the most effective way to improve water management is changing behavior of people. Changing their behavior and habits is difficult task, but not impossible. They need only proper encouragement. The purpose of our application is awarding people for behaviors, which reduce water use. The main feature of our application are experience points, which are converted to level. The users can gain experience points for choosing eco-friendly activities.

This feature can be easily developed to reward users with tangible reward. The user would be able to exchange this points for discounts in shop of business partners of the application.

Team name: AKAI – Akademickie Koło Aplikacji Internetowych
Project name: Water Save Quarter
Team members:
– Michał Szczepaniak
– Tobiasz Ciesielski
– Filip Szóstak
– Radosław Winiecki
– Krystian Frydryk


