The Winner | DODOWORK
- enables easy, safe (can be anonymous) reporting of wild boar sightings – both dead and alive;
- educates and engages the users;
- streamlines the process of report handling at each step and for different kinds of users;
- can alert users about new boar sightings and ASF (African swine fever) danger in their area;
- gathers and analyses the data – in a simplified form for everyone and in an advanced way (using machine learning algorithms) for the authorized users;
- uses a neural network that automatically recognizes boars on uploaded photos – it can potentially be used on camera trap footage too;
- has many other, less exciting features :).
Team name: DODOWORK
Project name: DZIKI DZIK
Team members:
– Anna Ryś
– Piotr Bednarski
– Michał Gacek
Boar icon made by Darius Dan from