Zbigniew Baranowski Piotr Kuzmiak Joanna Bigos Tomasz Piechula Krzystof Sledzikowski
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Presentation on Ministry of Finance Tasks
Presentation on Ministry of Finance Tasks PART 2
Joanna Bigos
Specialist in the field of administrative law and analyst of data from open sources at the Ministry of Finance
Krzysztof Śledzikowski
Data analyst with long-term experience in the area of big data and fraud detection. A fan of work automation and simplification. Advanced user of many IT & analytical tools (eg. IBM, SPSS, KNIME, Neo4j etc.).
Tomasz Piechula
Data analytics manager, Data Science enthusiast, network science adept. Strives to uncover the hidden value in data.
Piotr Kuźmiak
Piotr Kuźmiak works in tax administration for 16 years. Recently as a business expert in taxes and tax administration public services. The focus of his work is specifying business requirements for IT systems used both inside tax administration and outside it – services for taxpayers. Occasionally also works as project manager in IT projects in.
Arkadiusz Jedynak
Absolwent Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, radca prawny, uprzednio Zastępca Dyrektora Izby Administracji Skarbowej w Szczecinie nadzorujący piony poboru i egzekucji oraz logistyki i usług, a także informatyki. Obecnie Dyrektor Departamentu Poboru Podatków w Ministerstwie Finansów.
Arkadiusz Jedynak
a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Szczecin, attorney-at-law, formerly Deputy Director of the Tax Administration Chamber in Szczecin supervising the collection and enforcement, logistics and services, as well as IT divisions. Currently, the Director of the Tax Collection Department at the Ministry of Finance.
Minister’s Advisor in the Department of Tax Collection, Ministry of Finance; innovation leader in the Ministry of Finance, ambassador of GovTech Poland Programme, organised under the wings of Chancellery of Prime Minister’s office. Experienced tax authority official. Expert in both procedural and material tax regulations. Academic teacher and active lecturer in Tax & Customs Academy. One of leading consultants in „VATMAN” project aimed against tax fraud and evasion, executed by National Revenue Administration. Analitician working on perfecting polish tax system. Project Manager, making SupTech real, working hard on developing crucial tools and applications supporting everyday work of tax authorities.