[Measure and Influence Your Ecological and Carbon Footprint]

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10 000 PLN

Measure and influence your ecological and carbon footprint supported by Scaleway

We are increasingly aware of the fact that our consumption and production patterns are no longer compatible with the planet’s capacities, and the ecosystems which provide our resources (water, food, energy) and absorb our waste. Every year, Overshoot Day falls earlier, and it is up to us to recognize and improve our impact. Two indicators are commonly used to show the extent of our impact: ​ecological and carbon footprints.

Yet, how can we put a figure on it? How can we be more aware of our impact on a daily basis and how can we better control it? Scaleway advocates for ecological policies which translate into the company’s strong environmental commitments.​ This is precisely we are proposing this task:

What are the major objectives of the task?

Via a mobile application (Android, iOS or Progressive Web App) it will be possible to measure your ecological and carbon footprints. You will collect data, and design an interface that will process and analyse data. It should even be possible for users to customize the collected data (trips, etc.). You need to think about how to collect this data all the while respecting current European legislation. Finally, this application should offer daily customized advice to each user.

Technical advice we suggest you split your team in two:

- Use instances to create an API to send data to the front end (Scaleway instances are even better)
- Database / storage
- AI etc. ...

Use a Framework to gain time, we suggest IONIC, react native, NativeScript & flutter and other ideas

Bonus: Use IoT devices or external APIs to collect additional relevant data. Take into account the ecological footprint of the application’s composition, each technological choice itself has an impact.

Do not hesitate to explore the possibilities, and be creative about solutions.