
The Winner | SmartTest

It optimises the distribution of tests among patients with different infection risk, so we can test 2.5x more people with the same amount of tests by grouping multiple samples. Project description: One of the breakthrough ideas to deal with this problem is to mix multiple samples from different patients and to use one test on them. It is possible to put mixed samples from…


The Finalist | Hexa

We believe that the current situation, much related to the pandemic, carries many risks but also many opportunities. With our solution, we hope to provide some guidance on Education and Business backed by data. How to secure yourself with a job market collapse waiting ahead? We believe the best way is to do so is by learning valuable skills or move to a more…


The Finalist | LokalnaTarcza.pl

It is a web application by which local businesses can generate/send vouchers for their services/products. Vouchers can be used after the end of a pandemic when business owners will return to work. Clients can help them in this hard time to keep a steady income of money which is crucial for survival of local, small businesses. https://lokalnatarcza.pl/ Project description: Nowadays, when many small businesses…